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Employment Opportunities

Job openings vary but we are always excited to receive applications from highly motivated and customer service oriented individuals wanting to join our work family.   Please refer to the job descriptions below for examples of positions that may be available. 

If you are looking for a work-family to call home and desire a long-term employment opportunity, please forward your resume and at least three professional references. References must include at least one employer. Eligible applicants will be contacted for an interview.

Application for Employment [PDF]

Job Descriptions:


A strong retail sales and/or customer service background is highly desired. Optical experience is preferred, but not required. We are looking for a confident, self-motivated individual with a friendly, outgoing personality. Some responsibilities of the position include: assisting patients with the best lenses/frames for their visual tasks, explaining insurance benefits, processing lab orders, dispensing new eyewear, and assisting in inventory management. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Join our team in helping patients obtain their best possible vision solution

Optometric Technician

We are looking for a confident, self-motivated individual with a friendly, outgoing personality. Applicants must be able to multi-task and thrive in a fast-paced work environment. Exceptional patient care/customer service skills are required as well as a minimum typing speed of 45 wpm. Must be able to work clinic hours which can range from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm. Medical office/eyecare experience a plus; but not required. Eligible candidates must also qualify for Washington State Medical Assistant Registration. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package.

Administrative Support Specialist

We are looking for a confident, self-motivated individual who is able to multi-task and thrive in a fast-paced work environment. Exceptional patient care/customer service skills are required as well as a minimum typing speed of 45 wpm. Some responsibilities of the position include: answering incoming calls on multi-line phone system, scheduling/managing patient appointments, verifying/documenting patient insurance benefits, adding/updating patient demographic information, processing/posting patient payments, basic billing and posting of charges to patient ledgers within an electronic medical record.